
Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

the 10 cruellest people in the world's

Throughout history they will continue to be remembered as a gruesome killer

1. Josef Stalin 

Stalin is General Secretary of Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death in 1953. IN under the leadership of Stalin, the State of Ukraine suffered a very severe famine (Holodomor), by most people this is considered a consequence of mass destruction that is part of the policy of Stalin's rule. Estimated number of deaths vary from 2.5 million to 10 million. Famine caused by the political and administrative decisions.
Besides starvation, Stalin ordered the purge in the Soviet Union any person who is considered as an enemy state. In total, the estimated number who were killed under Stalin's rule range from 10 million to 60 million people.
2. Adolf Hitler

German Chancellor Adolf Hitler established in 1933, became the "Fuhrer" in 1934 until his suicide in 1945. At the end of World War 2, the policy of territorial conquest and extermination rasianya already brought death and torture of millions of people, including the slaughter of approximately six million Jews now known as the Holocaust.
On 30 April 1945, after heavy fighting street-to-street, when Soviet troops appear within a block or two of the Reich Chancellory, Hitler committed suicide, shooting himself, biting cyanide capsules grain.
3. Ivan IV of Russia

Ivan IV of Russia, also known as Ivan the Terrible, is the magnificent Duke of Muscovy from 1533 until 1547 and was the first ruler of Russia who took the right of the Emperor. In 1570, Ivan under the belief that the elite of the city of Novgorod planned to cross into Poland, and sent an army to stop them on January 2. Ivan soldiers built walls around the perimeter of the city to prevent the city apart. Between 500 to 1000 people gathered every day by the troops, then tortured and killed in front of Ivan and his son.
In 1581, Ivan beat her daughter full-in-law for wearing clothing that is not rude, causing keguguran.Anak son, also named Ivan, causing ayahnya.Yang argument with his son Ivan who struck in the head with pointy sticks, and his son were killed instantly.
4. Vlad Tepes

Vlad III of Romania (also known as Vlad the Impaler) was Prince of Wallachia three times from 1448 until 1476. Better known as the legend of Vlad the Punisher is very cruel. He was forced during his reign, and he also used as the principal inspiration for the vampire main character of "Bram Stoker's" Dracula in popular new.
In Romania he is regarded as a prince with a deep sense of justice. List of torture he was declared to have employed extensive: nails in heads, cutting off limbs, blinding, strangulation, burning, cutting off noses and ears, cutting of sexual organs (especially in the case of women), skinning heads, skinning, the exposure to the elements or to animals, and oranghidup boil-life. There are claims that on several occasions stabbed ten thousand people in 1460.
5. Pol Pot

Pol Pot was the leader of the Khmer Rouge and the Prime Minister of Cambodia from 1976 to 1979, has been de facto leader since mid-1975. During his reign, Pol Pot imposed an extreme version of agrarian communism where all city dwellers moved to the countryside to work in a collective farm and forced labor projects. The combined effect of slave labor, malnutrition, poor medical perewatan and implementation are estimated to have killed some 2 million Cambodians (about a third of the population). Regime achieved a bad reputation because of a special select all the intellectuals and the "bourgeois enemies" for murder another.
Khmer Rouge mass executions at a place known as the "killing fields". Who were executed were buried in mass graves. To save ammunition, executions often dillakukan use a hammer, ax handles, spades or sharpened bamboo sticks.
6. Leopold II of Belgium

Leopold II was King of Belgium from 1865-1909.With financial assistance from the government, Leopold made "Congo Free State", a personal project undertaken to tap rubber and ivory in the Congo region of central Africa, which rely on forced labor and cause of death by approximately 3 million people of Congo.
Regime Congo Free State became one of the international scandal turn of the century more notorious. Parcels of land privately owned by the King is 76 times larger than Belgium, which he mastered as a free private sphere through his private army, the Force Publique. Leopold's rubber plantation workers were tortured, brutally maim and kill until the end of the century, over the hearts Nuran, i the Western World and forced Brussels to hold the rest.
7. Idi Amin Dada

Idi Amin was an army officer and president of Uganda.He took power in a military coup in January 1971, down Milton Obote.His reign was marked by human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecution, extra judicial killings and the expulsion of Indians from Uganda. The number of people killed due to his regime unknown; estimates vary from 80,000 to 500,000.
On August 4, 1972, Amin issued a decree ordering the expulsion of Asians ke60.000 is not Ugandan citizens (most of them contain a British passport). It later revised to include ke80.000 Asians, with the exception of professionals, like doctors, lawyers and teachers.
Amin was overthrown eventually, but until his death, he held that Uganda needed him and he never expressed remorse for the abuse of his regime.
8. Ruhollah Khomeini

Ayatollah Khomeini was the leader of the Islamic religion of Iran from 1979 until 1989.At that time he was implementing the Islamic Sharia (Islamic religious law) with the Islamic dress code applies to both men and women by Islamic Revolutionary Guards and other Islamic groups. Opposition to the rules of Islamic religious scholars or the public often found with abusive punishment.
In a conversation in Fayzieah School in Qom, August 30, 1979, Khomeini said:"Who is trying to bring corruption and destruction to our country in the name of democracy will suffer. They are worse than the Jews of Bani-Ghorizeh, and they should be hanged. We will torture them on the orders of God and God's call to prayer. "
In the 1988 genocide Iranian prisoners, following the operation Forough-e Javidan mujahideen fighter against the Islamic Republic of Iran, Khomeini ordered the court officials to judge every Iranian political prisoner and kill all who do not repent of counter-regime activity. Many say that the thousands who quickly murdered in prison. Curriculum vitae of Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri reported details of the execution of 30,000 political activists. After eleven days in the hospital in surgery to stop internal bleeding, Khomeini died of cancer on Saturday, June 4, 1989, at the age of 86 years.
9. Maximilien Robespierre

Maximilien Robespierre was a leader of the French revolution and is making the argument that the revolutionary government to kill the king without trial. Robespierre was the main actor behind the cruel reign, 10 months after he led the post-revolutionary terror and mass execution. The terror that threaten between 18,500 to 40,000 people, with 1900 killed in the last month.
Among those sentenced by the revolutionary court, about 8 percent were nobles, clergy as much as 6 percent, the middle class as much as 14 percent, and the remaining 70 percent of employees or workers taniyang accused of hoarding, refusing conscription, desertion, rebellion, and the other confessed the crime . For his actions, Robespierre was beheaded by not through the trial in 1794.
10. Attila The Huns

Attila King of the Huns from 434 until his death in 453.He is the leader of the Hunnic Empire stretched from Germany to the Ural River and from the River Danube to the Baltic Sea. In the greater part of Western Europe, he is remembered as an example of cruelty and greed. The campaign failed in Persia was followed in the year 441 by the invasion of Eastern Roman Empire, the success of which encouraged Attila to invade the West.
He passed unhindered Austria and Germany, across the Rhine into the Gael, he seized and destroyed all the people on the street with a ferocity not unlike a savage assault on the record and that it forced him to overcome to increase the army very much. Attila drowned in his own blood on perkimpoiannya night.

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